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miscellaneous SSLPs

It just now occurs to me that the idea of a screenshot LP might be foreign and alien since the way people usually cover games these days is through streaming and not posting individual screenshots of a game, and that's all pretty understandable. Forums are mostly dead and uploading a video is easier than organizing a text document and uploading screenshots in bulk. A screenshot let's play is a mostly text-oriented way of covering a game by showing a series of pictures from it. In the forums they were generally used to cover story-heavy games where there wasn't a whole lot of action happening. RPGs and VNs and detective games and strategy games and point&clicks and the like. Back when internet speeds were slower there was a real consideration of whether it would be sacrificing too much time to cover something as a video or not. I like the format a lot, and I was enamored with screenshot LPs back when I first encountered the LP Archive in 2009 or so, and spent a few years making some of my own, though most of the forums I posted on are dead and the only surviving artifact of that time was the Space Funeral LP I did back in 2012. I've given just about every kind of content-making on the internet a try at some point in the years since, but I noticed that I'd accidentally fall backwards into making something like an SSLP when I started enjoying a game, so I figured I'd come crawling back to the format I enjoyed as a teenager. I want to try and inspire the sort of "whoa, what's that" sort of feeling I had when I first ran into LPs as a kid, which is why the game selection's a bit eclectic.

